14 Best Tips for Sea Glass Collectors

I have been a sea glass collector for many years. Like most, I have tried all sorts of things to increase my chances of finding more glass and these days I want to find better quality pieces too.

Of course, sea glass collecting is meant to be fun! All that safety stuff is kinda dull, but make sure that you are sensible and have a great time out there on the beach.​

Here is a list of my 14 best tips for sea glass collectors:
  1. Before you head out, check the tide times. The best (and safest) time for collecting sea glass is a couple of hours before and after low tide.
  2. Don't be in a rush, relax and breathe in that fresh salt air. It is commonly believed that ocean air can help to soothe respiratory problems, so breathe it all in!
  3. If you're hunting with a friend, spread out just a bit so you can cover more ground. And, of course, take a slightly different route on the way back!
  4. Search the low tide and the high tide line. The high tide line is easy to recognize as it will usually have line of pebbles, shells, trash, seaweed, the occasional lone flip flop, etc.
  5. Scan the area a few feet in front of you while walking as opposed to just at your feet, that way things that are not supposed to be there will standout. On a bed of brown pebbles, sand and seashells that one piece of green sea glass will really catch your eye.
  6. It's best to have the sun at your back, shining on the sea glass rather than in your eyes. This helps to stop you having to squint so much!
  7. Wear a sun hat with at least a 3 inch brim. Sunglasses are not your friend when looking for sea glass unless it's to hold your hair back!
  8. Don't discard what appears to be a dark stone, it might be black sea glass! It's rarely black in fact, usually very dark green or blue glass.
  9. Keep an eye out for patches of pebbles because they often trap sea glass. If you find a large, deep patch of pebbles, have a seat, relax and start scraping away layer by layer.
  10. Look up now and then to give your neck a breather and rest your eyes. Enjoy your surroundings and everything else Mother Nature gives us.
  11. Say hello to other sea glass collectors, compare your treasure and make new friends. Don't forget to share your Instagram details!
  12. Take a used or reusable grocery bag for beach trash and, of course, always leave the beach cleaner than you found it.
  13. Keep your sea glass collecting kit in the car so that you're always prepared for a quick stop at the beach.
  14. Make sea glass hunting a tradition, not a competition. My fiancé and I try to get to the beach a few times each week for a relaxing walk (okay, that can get a little competitive!).

I'm always on the lookout for more great ideas, so leave a comment if you have something to share with me. Happy hunting!

3 thoughts on “14 Best Tips for Sea Glass Collectors”

  1. In California, and other locations I’m sure,many of the beaches are protected. “Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints.” It would be wise to find out the rules for beach-combing in any give spot in advance of one’s adventure.

  2. Have you ever ventured to the trash dumps? I hear that is a great place to find sea glass especially the ones near the beach where the beach cleaning patrol takes their beach cleanup

    • Hi Teri, Yes I have. Many beach towns used to dump their trash near the cliffs along the coast. Then as the dump filled up they would burn it and bulldoze it over the edge into the ocean. When I’m planning to visit a new beach I research the area for pre-1950 trash dumps.


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